Howl Kool Is This?

owl on skateboard

Red Mountain Riders

Handmade in the San Juan Mountains of Colorado, RMR produces quality longboards built from the mountains for the mountains.


The owners of RMR are avid longboarders. With every board that is sold we hope to bring the human experience back to the real world. Free from the cluttered world of technology each RMR board is a catalyst to connect with the earth one carve at a time.



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Colorado Blood Moon

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Full Blood Moon just before total Lunar eclipse this morning over Pikes Peak. :)The moon will be at 100% full at 8:06 AM. We almost made it to the complete eclipse just before it set behind the majestic mountain. 🙂

Thank you Lars Leber Photography for letting me borrow your teleconverter for that added zoom capability on my telephoto lens!
You can buy prints of this moment on my new website in the “Moon” album!
Thanks for sharing the memories with Forrest Boutin Photography!
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Did anyone else get up early to see the lunar eclipse this morning? It seems extra special and maybe even a tad eschatological, being that it is Easter tomorrow. If I ever have a better lens in my bag, there will be better moon pictures than this, but I still wanted to share for those who didn’t get out of bed at 0530 on a Saturday 🙂 Happy Easter weekend everyone!


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Hagee’s third of four #BloodMoon over the Gore(y) Range in Summit County, Colorado.Sharing is Appreciated!

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blood moon 1

Blood Moon and Pikes Peak (04/04/2015).Taken during the lunar eclipse this morning. This is one single photo with a Sigma 150-500mm lens from Mark Dabling Boulevard in Colorado Springs.

Feel free to like, share, or comment.
Thank you for looking and for liking Lars Leber Photography!

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Spent this early AM at the Blue Mesa lake side enjoying the lunar eclipse. Please share! More photos to come…
blood moon 7

~ Little Tahoma Eclipse ~

Here is my contribution to the total lunar eclipse we experienced at 4:57am this morning. Since Chinook Pass had opened yesterday, I decided to leave around 1am this morning and chance the weather to go see what I could see. The Pass was actually fogged in all morning, however it was mostly clear just a little downhill on the West side with a clear view of Mt Rainier.

Boy howdy, these “lunar eclipse shots” take me way too much time to process! The challenge for me was to blend in a solid shot of the moon with a solid shot of the surrounding landscape. I’ve got lots to learn on the front!

All in all, it was a good adventure and was fun to witness another full lunar eclipse.

Thanks for lookin’!……

…..and if you’re interested in how this image was made, please feel free to keep reading…..

In an attempt to capture a descent, single exposure of both the landscape and the moon, I shot at f2.8, ISO 2000, for 2sec. That one was taken at 4:38am. Although the landscape was exposed ok (maybe a little dark), the moon was overexposed. So I had to use a separate photo of the moon I had taken earlier. While the moon was properly exposed in that photo, everything else was very underexposed. The moon photo I used was shot at 3:58am (f/4, ISO 800, .6sec) at 280mm.

I will post in the comments the two photos I used to make this final image. Although the final image may not be the exact result I was striving for, it will have to do. I’m moving on to something besides a “moon-blending” challenge. Haha!

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Western Hotel: Old Time Hookers and Hauntings

western hotel

On Seventh Avenue near Second Street is the Western Hotel, the largest wooden structure in Ouray. Built in 1892, the hotel was originally called “Holt and Foster” after the owners and it billed itself as the “miner’s palace, 43 sleeping rooms, three toilets, one bathtub, electric lights, saloon and game rooms.” The Western Hotel as also at the end of the red light district which ran down Second Street. The Clipper, Bon Ton, Bird Cage, Monte Carlo, Temple of Music, Morning Star and Gold Belt offered liquor, gambling, sex, dancing and music. About 100 girls operated out of the area.

Western_Hotel2-_Ouray-_1885-379x507Circa 1885

Ouray: Historic Western Hotel: “Terror-ific? Yes, but just because of all the GHOSTS!”
April 14, 2003:  A TripAdvisor Member, Longmont, CO

Wow, maybe the season makes the difference, because last August my Husband and I had the best experience of our lives at the Historic
Western Hotel. We checked in around 1:00 and was greated immediatley by a very helpful girl behind the counter. We were showed up to our
room (which was only $35, by the way) and walking up the stairs and down the hall, we creaked and squeaked all the way there… It was
CLASSIC! We felt like we were in one of those old western movies! When we got to our room, we were delighted to see that there were no
phones, contributing even more to our back in time feel. We were told that our shared restroom was down the hall (there are two suites @
about $60 with their own, but come on! where is your sense of adventure!) and when we got there, we were delighted to find an old clawfoot tub
and those hot/cold two fixture fausets!

I think the best part of our stay was when we found the guest book in our nightstand. In it we read all the stories of past visitors and how they
encountered ghosts at night 🙂 All of this swept me away and I had vivid dreams of ghosts walking in the hallway woke up in the middle of the
night with my heart pounding! It was terror-ific!!!

We loved our stay and plan on going back soon, If you go, be sure to eat downstairs in the restaurant, it’s inexpensive and the food was great!


…….A mysterious face painted on the bar room floor of the historic Western Hotel’s saloon.

Tips for the perfect spray tan

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Elevate Day Spa

Tips for the perfect spray tan:
*exfoliate the entire body focusing on dry spots
* don’t apply any makeup or lotions to the skin
* wear loose clothing

*don’t shower for at least 5 hours OR even better wear the solution over night
*avoid exercise, water and sweating right after application
*keep the skin heavily moisturized and avoid excess bathing.
*avoid all skin care products with exfoliating benefits
*don’t get a sun burn! You can tan naturally over the solution but if your skin starts to peel you will be two toned.

Special through April 15th – spray tan with extender for $30

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Easter Sunday Brunch

Cavallo's restaurant

Plan on Cavallo’s Restaurant for Easter Brunch. We will be open regular hours from 7 AM – 2 PM.

Easter Brunch Specials Menu

French Toast – layered with strawberry cream cheese, banana cream cheese, house made whipped cream, blueberry reduction and 2 strips of bacon – 13.5
Tomatoes stuffed and baked with a shrimp, crab and smoked catfish dressing, topped with 2 poached eggs, served with asparagus and a roasted red pepper cream sauce – 16

Bird in a Nest – Puff pastry cup filled with pulled chicken, duck and turkey in a warm mushroom & tarragon cream sauce with a poached egg – 14.5
Easter Bunny shaped chocolate chip pancake with a bacon bow tie for the kids – 6

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bon ton easter brunche

Make your reservations now if your restaurant of choice for Easter Brunch is The Bon Ton Restaurant. 

Next week is Easter! Don’t forget to reserve your table to join us for brunch! Also, next week, on the 8th, we will be closing for 2 weeks, which also sadly means the end of pasta night and pizza night. So, come see us this week and get your fill before the season is over!!

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The Alpha

wolf pack fight


Cowboy with a Camera

This image here is a capture of captive gray(timber) wolves in Parc Omega. It is amazing to watch these beautiful animals display their pack hierarchy. This image was captured during the wolves breading period so the alpha male must make sure he maintaining the dominant role in the pack. Sometimes it is just a walk past, showing dominance with his body language or facial gestures but sometimes he must do more. These interactions are usually extremely fast because usually the less dominant wolf will usually back down. Then it is back to being a pack and working together, what amazing animals!  Thanks for viewing and feel free to share.

If you are interested in prints of any images that I have taken feel free to check out my website or send me an email at

Signs of Spring on Main Street

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Original Ore Tram Car From Sutton Mill at Bear Creeks Falls Circa 1926

Across Bear Creek Falls are the remains of Sutton Mill. It was built by Jim and Bill Slick in 1926 and had a 100-ton capacity. The mill was mostly destroyed by fire in 1892. The mine itself is across the canyon at an altitude of 10,595 feet and was connected to the mill by a 2,700-foot aerial tramway. Other access to the mine was from Mineral Farm off the Camp Bird Road. The mine had four working levels with most work done in teh 1920’s out of the Barber Tunnel, which was the one connected to the mill. The mine produced pyrite, lead, copper, silver and some gold and has been worked off and on by several groups.


Wildlife in Ouray

wistle pig today in ouray

Wildlife in Ouray includes chipmunks (they will eat out of your hand at Box Canyon Park), marmots or “whistle pigs” (they look like large groundhogs), ptarmigan, squirrels, beaver, skunks, porcupines, rabbits, bobcats, deer, elk and mountain sheep. Less frequently seen are black bear, mountain lions, wolves and coyotes. Deer and elk are seen mostly in early morning and at dusk. In the  summer they inhabit the high grassy meadows, but as winter approaches the herds move to lower elevations. They can commonly be seen alongside (and sometimes in) the road during the winter.

FJ Summit

fj summit 3

The countdown is on for the Ninth Annual FJ Summit!

Registration opens on Saturday, Mar 28th, 2015, and fills rapidly so be sure to bookmark this site and check back often for official information, schedules, and announcements. We look forward to seeing all of you in July!

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